Drug Prevention And Life Skills To Help Kids Thrive


You Can Inspire Kids to Lead a Drug-Free Life: Here’s how

At Natural High, we believe in the profound impact of storytelling by influential voices to connect
with young people. Our evidence-informed program leverages short-form videos to deliver powerful
messages that resonate. Natural High’s videos provide an engaging way to open up conversations
and inspire a drug-free life.


Transformative Videos for Engaging Conversations with Kids

  • Life-saving fentanyl video
  • 50+ stories that resonate with kids
  • Whiteboard series on the brain

Explore Library


Support For Parents and Educators Along The Way

  • Proven #1 Preventative Strategy
  • The Science Behind a Natural High
  • 4 Personality Types At-Risk for Substance Use
  • Conversation Starters & Scripts & Much More…

Start Learning

Real Results


of educators report a change in their students’ perception about drugs and alcohol after going through the Natural High  program.


of youth participating in the program reported that having a natural high will help fight the temptation to use drugs or alcohol.

40+ We’ve recruited over 40 celebrity storytellers who tell powerful stories of transformation.


There are 43,000 educators in Natural High’s network across the U.S. and growing.

Millions Millions of lives transformed. Still lots of work to do. That’s why we need your support

Awards and Recognition

RRW logo

Outstanding Prevention Program Award

Dedication and leadership to building a safe and healthy San Diego county.

Outstanding Prevention Award

Outstanding Prevention Award

Leadership in drug prevention education, advocacy and support of our nation's families and communities.

Outstanding Prevention Program Award

Outstanding Prevention Program Award

Exemplary service and selfless dedication in reducing youth access to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

“Adolescent substance abuse is America’s #1 public health problem” CASA, Columbia University1

The Problem

13 is the average age of first-time drug and alcohol use.

13 is the average age of
first-time drug and
alcohol use.

9 out of 10 addictions start in the teen years.

9 out of 10
addictions start in
the teen years.

There is no national programming in schools to teach youth about drug and alcohol abuse.

There is no national programming
in schools to teach youth about
drug and alcohol abuse.

Our Solution

Natural High combats youth substance abuse with inspiration and cutting-edge research. We harness the latest insights into youth behavior, brain development, and social norms, along with the influence of cultural icons, to inspire young people to discover and engage in their passions, what we call natural highs.

Our program equips families, schools, and communities with tools to support youth, fostering supportive networks that helps them make healthy, fulfilling choices.

Our holistic approach not only prevents substance use but also builds resilience, ensuring youth have the skills and support needed for long-term success and a drug-free life.

Trusted by Parents and Educators

“We had a productive talk, watched the video, and talked a bit more. My son (age 13) was engaged in the video. It was also really helpful to my husband and I in educating us on fentanyl and teen drug use. The Natural High website is an excellent resource that we will continue to go back to in order to keep the conversation going!”

Shawn, parent

“Natural High has such a positive and relevant message! Love all their great posts and videos to help educators and parents encourage their teens to live naturally high and avoid drugs and substance misuse! Really appreciate all their content!”

Miranda, Educator

“We are constantly sharing and using the information with our students, teachers, and parents! The videos and lesson plans are current, interesting, and very informative! Love it!”

Linda, Educator

“I have used about 11 or 12 of your natural high videos for students that help them to see why youth shouldn’t be using tobacco products, alcohol, drugs. I am a Tobacco Education Specialist and all of your videos’ messages are clear and easy to understand. Again, Thank you!”

Karren, Educator

We Stand for Hope, Direction,
and Positive Alternatives

Join us in igniting a brighter future,
free from the shadows of drugs and

Purpose of Natural High Org

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