The Social Norms Approach

Social norms are the unwritten rules of how things work around here — they’re the socially acceptable behaviors. Teens are hyper-aware and sensitive to fitting in, almost at any cost.

Research shows that teens always overestimate the percentage of their peers who engage in substance use, and they extrapolate their misperception to assume that substance use is a social norm. In other words, they falsely assume that ‘everybody’s doing it.’ When their desire to fit in overrides their caution or personal values, they can make life-altering decisions with substances without realizing what they’re doing.

We can intervene and educate them so they’re able to see clearly and make wiser choices. Studies have shown that when teens realize that not as many of their peers engage in substance use as they thought, fewer of them will use substances.

Guide teenagers to the best opportunity to build a foundation for a healthy and thriving future.

Below is our 6-part video series for you and for the teenagers in your life. We recommend you watch the videos, engage in the reflection exercises, and follow along with our guided activities.

  • Step 1 Watch A Natural High Video Watch
  • Step 2 Discuss Together As A Group Discuss
Welcome To The Social Norms Video Series Start Here
Step 1: Watch

1min 41sec

Step 2: Engage

Reflection Guide
What Are Social Norms Lesson #1
Step 1: Watch

2min 54sec

Step 2: Engage

Reflection Guide
Teens and Social Norms Lesson #2
Step 1: Watch

5min 21sec

Step 2: Engage

Reflection Guide
Social Norms and Substance Use Lesson #3
Step 1: Watch

3min 51sec

Step 2: Engage

Reflection Guide
Helping Teens See Reality Lesson #4
Step 1: Watch

3min 29sec

Step 2: Engage

Reflection Guide
Guiding Your Kid to Their Natural Highs Lesson #5
Step 1: Watch

5min 58sec

Step 2: Engage

Reflection Guide
Authoritative Voices Lesson #6
Step 1: Watch

5min 35sec

Step 2: Engage

Reflection Guide
Social Norms Sum-Up & More Resources Conclusion
Step 1: Watch

1min 37sec

Step 2: Engage

Reflection Guide