Follow The Steps


Some suggested questions to ask after you watch the video:

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Question #1:

Lisa says, “I always wanted to represent my family, my mom and my sisters, and I didn’t want to do anything that would damage my family name.” How do you see yourself representing your family?

Question #2:

Everyone knew a girl that played on the basketball team and that impressed Lisa. Is there someone you admire?

Question #3:

In 9th grade Lisa set a goal to make the Olympic basketball team. What are your goals and how do you work toward them?

Question #4:

Focus helped Lisa prioritize grades and athletics. What are your priorities? How do you keep your focus on them?

Lisa Leslie – WNBA Basketball Player

Lisa Leslie | 3 min 20 sec

Lisa Leslie knew that focusing on school and basketball was the only way to reach her dreams. Her determination led her to countless WNBA awards and four Olympic gold medals. After completing the Lisa Leslie worksheet, encourage students to share their natural highs by having them hashtag #LiveNaturallyHigh on their social media accounts.