Follow The Steps


Some suggested questions to ask after you watch the video:

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Question #1

Why does Paul Rodriguez love skateboarding? How do you know?

Question #2

Paul talks about a sense of accomplishment with skateboarding. Why do you think that helps him stay interested in skateboarding?

Question #3

What do you think the feeling of accomplishment has to do with choosing to stay drug-free?

Question #4

What are some of the consequences of drug use that Paul Rodriguez mentions?

Paul Rodriguez – Pro Skateboarder

Paul Rodriguez | 3 min 56 sec

Paul Rodriguez found his natural high in skateboarding. From a young age, he dedicated himself to mastering new tricks and honing his skills. His journey hasn’t been without challenges, as he witnessed friends fall into drug addiction, profoundly impacting their lives. Paul’s clear focus and love for skateboarding kept him away from these pitfalls, making his story a powerful testament to the importance of pursuing one’s passion and staying resilient in the face of adversity.