Teens learning life skills

Teach Life Skills For Youth Drug Prevention – It Really Works!

Published on: August 8, 2024   |   Last updated on:

There’s solid evidence showing that teaching life skills really works to prevent youth drug use!

Imagine a world where every teen is equipped with the skills to make healthy, fulfilling, and drug-free choices.

This vision is within our reach, and it starts with teaching life skills — one of the most effective strategies to prevent substance use in young people.

Teaching life skills is one of the most effective ways to prevent drug use in teens. While discussing substance use is crucial (and these conversations should happen regularly), equipping young people with essential life skills serves as a powerful protective factor. 

As parents and educators, you play a crucial role in guiding young people towards healthy, fulfilling, and drug-free lives, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Sign up here, and we will send you weekly email support with information on life skills to help you guide your teens and students toward a healthy life.

Backed by Research

The effectiveness of life skills training in preventing drug use is supported by extensive research. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), programs designed to boost protective factors and reduce risk factors can significantly reduce early use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs​​​. 

Programs that include life skills training, help young people develop critical thinking, decision-making, and stress management skills, which are essential for navigating life’s challenges without turning to substances.

The Natural High program and curriculum are designed to teach these critical skills, fostering a generation of young people who are prepared to face life’s challenges head-on, without turning to drugs.

Why Teaching Life Skills is Essential

Teaching life skills is more than an educational approach; it’s a proactive strategy that empowers young people to manage stress, resist peer pressure, and make informed choices. It delves into the social and psychological reasons why kids might start using drugs and provides them with the personal and social skills needed to handle those pressures.

Here’s how they work:

  • Critical Thinking and Decision-Making: Life doesn’t come with a manual, but critical thinking gets pretty close. Life skills education promotes critical thinking and decision-making abilities, helping teens analyze situations, weigh pros and cons, and make choices that align with their values and long-term goals. These skills are crucial in resisting the temptation to try drugs and alcohol. See our article on Critical Thinking and Decision-Making here.
  • Emotional Regulation: Emotions can be wild. Helping teens manage stress, anxiety, and all those feelings without reaching for a quick fix is key. Mindfulness and stress management are just a couple of ways to keep things in check. See our article on Emotional Regulation here.
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills: “Saying no to substances” is a lot easier when teens have the skills to stand up for themselves and communicate effectively. These skills help them resist peer pressure and find support when they need it. See our article on Communication and Interpersonal Skills here.
  • Self-Efficacy and Confidence: Confidence is like a superpower. When teens believe they can handle anything, they’re less likely to feel the need to fit in by doing drugs. It’s all about building that inner strength. See our article on Self-Efficacy and Confidence here.
  • Goal Setting and Future Planning: Goals give life direction. When teens are focused on their dreams and working towards them, they’re less likely to get sidetracked by drugs. Plus, achieving goals boosts their motivation and perseverance. See our article on Goal Setting and Future Planning here.
  • Fostering Resilience: Building resilience helps teens bounce back from setbacks and challenges. Resilient teens are better equipped to handle stress and adversity without resorting to substance use. Life skills education programs have shown that teaching resilience can significantly reduce the likelihood of drug use​. See our Article on Fostering Resilience here

Discover the Power of a Natural High

At Natural High, we help teens find their passions and interests — what we call their “natural high.” Engaging in activities that genuinely inspire them can provide the same sense of euphoria as drugs, but in a healthy and positive way. Whether it’s sports, music, art, volunteering, family, friends, or any other passion, discovering their natural high can make all the difference. 

To learn how the teen brain reacts to artificial and natural highs, check out our 3-part video series, The Brain’s Response To Artificial And Natural Highs. These short (9 min total) videos will help you and your teens understand brain development and the importance of making healthy choices. 

Early Prevention is Key

Here’s why starting early is so important:

  • Early Start: The average age kids first try an illegal substance is 13.
  • High Risk: 9 out of 10 addictions start in the teen years. Delaying first-time use can significantly reduce the risk of addiction.
  • Supportive Environment: Teens who are supported in pursuing their passions by family and community are much more likely to avoid drugs.

What Natural High Offers

Our program is designed to support you with:

  • Inspirational Videos: Over 50 videos featuring influencers who share their own Natural Highs and how they avoid drugs.
  • Engaging Activities: Projects and assessments that help teens develop life skills while learning about living drug-free.
  • Customizable Lesson Plans: Organized materials for educators and parents to use in daily teaching and discussions.

The Natural High Curriculum

Our curriculum focuses on essential life skills and positive themes:

  • Positive Activities: Encouraging teens to engage in activities they love.
  • Peer Pressure & Refusal Strategies: Teaching teens how to handle social pressures and make independent decisions.
  • Goal Setting: Helping teens set and achieve personal goals.
  • Role Models: Highlighting positive role models to inspire and guide youth.
  • Informed Choices: Educating teens about the real impacts of drug use and promoting informed decision-making.

Natural High offers a flexible, inspirational approach to skill development that leverages the influence of role models to motivate and engage youth.

Your Role as a Parent or Educator

You play a vital role in your teen’s success. Research shows that your involvement is one of the most important protective factors against substance use. Teens who learn about the risks of drugs from trusted adults are up to 50% less likely to use them.

Natural High provides resources to help you:

  • Stay Informed: Get the latest research on youth development and drug prevention.
  • Engage with Teens: Use our activities and discussion guides to have meaningful conversations with your teen.
  • Build Stronger Relationships: Learn strategies to strengthen your bond with your teen and support their journey.

Teaching life skills is a powerful tool in preventing substance use among teens. By equipping young people with critical thinking, decision-making, emotional regulation, and resilience, we can help them navigate life’s challenges and resist peer pressure. Natural High’s program, backed by research, offers a flexible, inspirational approach that leverages the influence of role models to motivate and engage youth. 

As parents and educators, your role is crucial in supporting and guiding teens towards healthy, fulfilling, and drug-free lives. With the resources and support provided by Natural High, you can make a lasting impact on the well-being of the young people in your care. Together, we can empower the next generation to live naturally high and achieve their full potential.

Join Us

Sign up to stay connected with the latest tips, research, and resources to support your teen. Together, we can help young people find their natural high and live drug-free.

You’ll receive weekly email support with information on life skills to help you guide young people to lead a healthy drug-free life. Stay connected and receive:

  • Actionable Exercises and Activities for Teens: Fun and impactful exercises designed to engage and inspire.
  • The Latest Research: Cutting-edge insights on youth development and drug prevention.
  • Strategies for Building Stronger Relationships: Proven techniques to deepen your connection with teens.
  • Insights from Experts and Real-Life Success Stories: Motivational advice and stories from specialists and real-world examples.

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Natural High is here to help you guide young people to lead healthy, inspired, and drug-free lives. Let’s make a difference together.


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